History of Dzi Beads
Dzi Beads - Tibetan Talismans
Many have heard about Dzi beads - the mysterious Tibetan talismans. But few people know about their origin and influence on a person and his fate. Ancient Dzi, found in the territory of modern Tibet, have an age of 2000 to 3000 years. But these ancient talismans are probably of earlier origin. According to some reports, the history of the origin of Tibetan beads Dzi takes us back centuries far beyond the three thousand-year milestone of the currently known ancient Dzi.
These were still pre-Buddhist times. And in Tibet, the Bon (or Bonpo) religion reigned. Ancient Dzi beads were discovered not only in the territory of modern Tibet, but also in Bhutan, the Indian state of Sikkim, the region of Ladakh and in some parts of the Himalayas.
Also, ancient Dzi were found in the territories of Persia, Mesopotamia and Egypt. But, most likely, they were exported from Tibet, since everything indicates that it was on this sacred land that these mysterious amulets first appeared. These Tibetan talismans were very much appreciated for their miraculous properties, both in those times and now. They are carefully stored and inherited from generation to generation.
The origin of Dzi
Over the millennia of its history, the origin of the mysterious Tibetan beads Dzi has grown with many different legends and myths. The most common version of the divine origin of these Tibetan talismans. Briefly consider some legends about the origin, since their full description will require a separate large article.
The most common legend about the origin of Dzi tells us that the ancient gods wore some jewelry. And when drought and famine came to earth, they tore their jewelry and scattered them on the ground, as these beads had the power to prevent drought and help people overcome bad times. Another interpretation of the legend says that the gods simply threw out a little cracked jewelry or those that they no longer liked.
According to one of the legends, Dzi came from moving creatures resembling insects, like the sacred scarab beetle. If a person touched them, then they immediately turned into fixed Dzi beads. Previously, these beads were sometimes found together in several pieces, the so-called "nest". Excavations are prohibited in Tibet and now ancient Tibetan beads are practically not found, so finding even a single bead is very unlikely, especially such a "nest".
According to another legend, Dzi was allowed to descend to the Earth by Vajrayogini, one of the incarnations of the goddess Tara. The compassionate goddess bestowed these amulets on people to stop the onset of a violent epidemic and prevent the spread of the disease. Dzi's beads had the power to protect people from this scourge and defeated the spread of evil.
There are many other legends, legends and myths about the origin of Tibetan beads Dzi. Most of them speak of the divine or heavenly origin of these talismans. People who found these beads were cured of diseases, happiness and wealth came to their home. The earth began to bear fruit and bring its gifts. Therefore, Dzi beads are very highly valued and are still one of the biggest secrets, as well as the treasure and treasure of Tibet.
A variety of kinds of Dzi beads
Dzi beads differ in age and time of manufacture and in the material from which they are made. There are 3 age categories of Tibetan beads:
- Ancient Dzi beads are beads that are several thousand years old.
- Antique Beads - These beads are over 100 years old.
- New beads are those that are made by Tibetan craftsmen in our time and are no more than 50 years old.
Ancient beads do not appear on open sale and their estimated cost can reach several hundred thousand US dollars. They are kept in museums, in wealthy families and among collectors of antiquities.
Antique beads are more common and can be bought on Ebay-like trading floors and from collectors. Such beads, depending on their age and condition, can cost from hundreds to thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars.
For new Dzi beads, whose age does not exceed 100 years, prices can vary quite a lot. You can find them for a very small amount and up to hundreds or several thousand dollars. Here the role is played by the quality of workmanship, the material from which they are made and the rarity of the picture depicted on them.
Beads made according to the traditional engraving technology with filling the engraved lines with special paints and made of agate are the most expensive. Such beads have a strong energy potential and therefore bring their owner the greatest benefit.
Beads are traditionally made from agate, carnelian and chalcedony. Agate is considered the most optimal stone for the manufacture of most varieties of Dzi beads. For some Dzi, especially those who influence relationship improvement, carnelian works well. Also from chalcedony mascots of excellent quality and energy saturation are obtained.
There are beads made of bone, glass or even plastic. Such Dzi is better not to take for a serious task. Their energy is weak or may be completely absent, especially if the drawing on such beads is not made in the proper way. This is more jewelry than amulets, and although some of them are quite beautiful, the energy value of such beads is low.
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Historical Information about Dzi
Dzi's beads adorn the most revered Buddha statues and sacred relics. They can often be seen in Tibetan temples, as they are used as an offering to the Buddha. Buddha statue adorned with Dzi beads:
The earliest historical record of Dzi beads in Chinese history dates from the Tang Dynasty. The record says that when Princess Wencheng married the Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo, the most expensive present for the betrothal was a Buddha statue built in the image of 12-year-old Jowo Shakyamuni (the oldest and most revered image of Siddhartha Gautama - Buddha in Tibet). He was brought to Tibet from Chang'an (the ancient capital of China), as a gift from the emperor of China, Taizong.
The Shakyamuni Buddha statue was richly decorated with various pearls, agates, turquoise, coral and hundreds of different Dzi beads. Among these beads were nine-eyed Dzi beads, three-eyed, two-eyed Dzi, Tzi Tiger Tooth, Dzi Longevity bead and many other Tibetan beads.
This largest and most revered statue of Shakyamuni Buddha is still in Lhasa at the Jokhang Monastery. The act of gifting this Buddha statue was a significant moment in the history of Tibet, since it was Songtsen Gampo who became the first ruler during whose reign Buddhism began to spread in Tibet.
Tibetan attitude to Dzi beads
Tibetans treat Dzi beads as sacred relics. These are the strongest talismans that are inherited and serve to protect the life and health of many generations of Tibetans. Jewelry with Tibetan talismans is worn by both ordinary people and very wealthy, including members of the royal families. The Queen of Bhutan - Jetsun Pema Wangchuk often appears in public in a Dzi bead necklace.
The cost of the ancient and old Dzi is so great that they are accepted as collateral when issuing loans to banks. Also, such Dzi beads can be exchanged for land and luxury goods.
Mostly Tibetans prefer to keep Dzi at home, as they bring good luck and happiness and serve their owner for many years. Dzi Beads are used as offerings to the Buddha, as they are rare and precious sacred relics. And it is believed that bringing such a relic as a gift to the Buddha favorably affects the karma of a person who makes such a donation.
Tibetans willingly wear these beads both at festive events and in everyday life. The quantity and quality of Dzi beads worn at the wedding ceremony is an indicator of the wealth of a particular family. Also crushed Dzi are used in Tibetan medicine. Moreover, only whole beads should go into the medicine, since a split bead serves as a sign that it has given all the energy to its owner. And you can’t use such Dzi as a medicinal ingredient.
What is their strength Dzi? Why do they work?
If the ancient Dzi are recognized as divine in origin, then their healing power is also clear. But modern Dzi beads also have good energy, the ability to protect their owner, protect him from troubles and improve health. So why do these Dzi work?
Apparently, there are several factors. The main one is that symbolic drawings are specially applied on these beads. These symbols are combinations of circles (eye beads), and other symbols: squares, crescents, etc.
Each symbol carries its own meaning and a certain strength. And their combination creates a certain image, which has a certain power and ability to harmonize any particular area of life with its energy. Those who own Reiki know that in this system, cosmic energy can be strengthened, directed to the harmonization of emotions with the help of special symbols. So in the case of Dzi beads - different symbolic drawings harmonize different spheres of human life.
Of great importance is the material for the manufacture of these beads, the technology and thoroughness of manufacture, and even the place where these Dzi were made. Beads made of natural stones (chalcedony, agate and carnelian), made of high quality, have good energy and will give the greatest effect to their owner.
Such beads can even be recharged with energy to enhance their effect. But if you purchased not a new bead, but one that has already been in the hands of another owner, then such a bead must be cleaned of the energy of the previous owner. How to do this, you can read in a separate article.
How do Tibetan talismans affect a person?
In the literature, there are many descriptions of the effects of Dzi beads on humans. And they all agree that these Tibetan talismans have the strongest energy. The magnetic energy found in these small amulets helps people solve a wide variety of problems.
The most “simple” harmonizing effects of these Tibetan amulets on humans are related to health. Dzi’s magnetic energy helps regulate the movement of Qi energy in the body, cleans the energy channels and balances the ratio of Yin-Yang energies to the 5 primary elements that make up the entire material universe.
In the eastern medical tradition, the harmonious interaction of the energy of Yin, Yang and the 5 basic elements of the Universe (Fire, Earth, Water, Metal and Wood) are the first priority for anyone who wants to acquire good health. And the imbalance of these energies is the cause of the disease. Dzi beads help restore the balance of these energies in the human body and thereby not only help cure any particular disease, but also heal the whole body.
The effect of wearing Dzi beads is similar to the effect of acupuncture. When acupuncture points are activated with needles by the hands of an experienced master, the Qi energy flows in the energy channels of the human body are balanced. Harmonizing the human energy system helps people suffering from heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and many other diseases. The general tone improves, immunity rises, and the whole organism heals.
But in addition to harmonizing the internal energy of Qi, Dzi's beads help harmonize a person’s energy with the energy of his environment. Therefore, these Tibetan talismans help to overcome various negative life situations and improve life in various areas of human existence. These can be both material and personal and spiritual areas. You can choose those Dzi that harmonize, improve and help achieve life goals and higher states of being.
Dzi beads in modern society
Currently, Dzi beads are becoming more and more popular. Due to their healing qualities and ability to bring a person’s life in harmony with the outside world, many people seek to acquire these Tibetan talismans. But just buying Dzi beads and wearing them is not right. Each of us has our own problems, our own energy. Therefore, it is better to choose beads based on life situations and needs.
These Tibetan talismans work best not one at a time, but in a set specially selected for a given person to fulfill his purpose. Our experts can help you with this.
But there are also "neutral", or rather, those beads, the wearing of which is useful to almost everyone without exception. So, the most widely known and popular is 9-eyed Dzi. Many celebrities wear these Tibetan amulets. Dzi beads are worn by Sting, Madonna, Stephen Seagal, Michael Schumacher, Jet Li. This indicates the high popularity of these mascots among the highest paid artists and athletes.
Dzi Beads - One of the most ancient and hidden treasures of Tibet. They still serve and help improve the lives of people in all corners of our planet. These valuable and powerful talismans have become available to the majority of the world's population. Choose Dzi for yourself, and let these amulets help you to eliminate troubles and achieve your life goals!